Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Part II - The New TV edition

I've given you enough time to digest part I of the upcoming New TV.
Now, its time for Part II - The New TV Edition. 

1. The Neighbors - premiering Sept. 26
    Breakdown - A family moves to a new neighborhood only to discover that the their idealistic cul-de-sac neighbors are all aliens. I'm a bit unsure about this one. But, I'll remain open until I see the pilot. This could be the first canceled show of the season or run for 7 seasons. You never know now a days.
excitement rating **

2. TMNT - premiering Sept. 29
        Breakdown - Hello! It's 2012's version of TMNT. It's new but still has the retro feel that will remind you of your childhood. I know my husband will be watching and memorizing the opening credit song, which is below :)
excitement rating *** (2 extra** for my husband's excitement)

3. Arrow - premiering Oct. 10
        Breakdown - It's a spin on Green Arrow. At first, I said, "Na, no thanks." Then I watched the upfront trailer and I said, "Ya, why not." It's also like a cross between Dark Knight and TV's Revenge.
excitement rating ***

4. Ben & Kate - premiering Sept. 25
    Breakdown - It's a brother, sister comedy. It also has THE cutest child. 
excitement rating ****

5. Emily Owens, MD - premiering Oct. 16
    Breakdown - It stars Meryl Streep's daughter. So.....yeah, I'm gonna watch it and compare her to her mother. I hope she and the show is good. It looks to be a smash up of Grey's Anatomy and Scrubs.
excitement rating ***

That sums up the NEW TV shows I'm interested in watching. Yes, there are others, but they didn't make my excitement meter tick.

Tonight (Sept. 11) new shows are premiering! Be sure to catch:
The New Normal
Go On

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