Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The "Mindy wants but can't afford, so donate through Paypal" edition.

I live in the South, so spending money on coats, jackets, warm fuzzy has never been a priority. But the older I get, the more I need those coats, jackets, warm fuzzys. But, gosh darn it, I wanna look fashionable in those things too.
So, here is my want of the day. The price? $176 plus shipping. *sigh* It's good to dream. And it's a pretty coat to look at. 
Anyway, for any gals out there who may be a size 14 or above Asos is the place for you. I mean, if you like a little style with your little curves :)



Girl With One Eye said...

Wilson's Leather outlet on the Boardwalk is where I've purchased a similar coat to this, they almost always have a clearance rack that's up to 75% off. They are the reason why I've bulked up on coats for no reason, paid 21$ for a leather jacket. How can you say no?!?! Hope this helps!

Our Cajun Roots said...

So glad you posted this. Can't help you with the coat but you helped me with the link. Finally some fashionable "curvy girl" clothing...

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