Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pan Am has been dropped by Me......but Gossip Girl still rocks

I can't explain why somethings happen. They just do. It's life. And in my life there is too much TV. I had made the decision to drop Free Agents, but no, the network went and cancelled it. I can't dropped something that no longer exists!
So the task began; finding at least one show I can stop watching before I get in too deep. It fell on Pan Am's lap. Mostly because I couldn't seem to make myself watch episode 2. And when you begin "forcing" yourself to watch a TV show, then you should know that the TV show isn't worth it. 
Another casualty?  Desperate Housewives. 18,000 yrs on TV and I just stopped. F***k it. The show stopped being of interest...

However, Gossip Girl is rocking my boots off this season. :) 
I love my little Upper East Siders. But, I do miss Jenny. 
you know you love me

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