Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Discoveries 101

This week I'm visiting my sister, her hubby, and their precious daughter (my niece) Kaylen in sunny SoCal. (Really not so sunny right now.) I've been here around 24 hours and I've discovered the reason Drive Thrus were invented........are you ready......wait for it.....
If you're a current mother of a baby, then you get what I'm saying, if not, let me explain.
Babies come with a lot of baggage; car seats, diaper bags, inability to walk or talk, curiosity, and depending on the age, weight.
So an easy jaunt to Starbucks for coffee becomes an almost downright production.
There's two option: 
1. Take child and stroller and go into Starbucks for your coffee.  Sounds easy. It's not. It's really NOT.
2. Take child in arms and walk right in. Problem there is paying, holding coffee and holding a child. Kind of a juggling problem. And God forbid you spill coffee!!!
This is where Drive Thrus are the most brilliant invention for parents, or in my case, Aunts/babysitters. 
Strap that kid in the car seat. Push play on the baby DVD player and drive on thru. 
Today I had Starbucks AND In & Out, all with an infant. 
Without Drive Thrus I would have had none of it. So bless you drive thru makers. Bless you. 

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