Saturday, February 4, 2012

Drunken ramblings after running on asphalt

So today I RAN/Jogged a Whole Mile Outside on Asphalt/Concrete. 
I call this the day without reproach. Why? Cause it's been a decade plus since I ran a mile outside. So, slight happiness explodes. You may ask, why am I subjecting my poor, deprived body to such a strange breathless activity? Obvious reasons of course, like "fitness", and "weight loss", and cause my BFF runs like 10 plus miles almost everyday and it drives me crazy that she is a year older and her legs are far better than mine, but most importantly, I'm running for the Zombie Run.
Yep, I'm so "training" for the 5K Zombie Run in Austin which transpires in December of 2012. You may randomly hear throughout this coming year about my awful running endeavors. Prepare. I may bitch like crazy about how much everything hurts and how boring running actually is. I'll somewhat apologize now for that, cause it won't happen later. Later, I'll be like a crazy running fool that might actually like the running part..........or not. stay tuned my readers...stay tuned.

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